Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Entry about The Outsiders

This week I've been reading the book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. A repeating pattern that I've noticed is that the greasers(poor kids) and socs(rich kids) are always angry at each other even though they never have a specific reason to have such hatred. They've always just been really angry at each other. This seems kind of like racism to me. I think that the kids in the book all have enough problems without dealing with each other. I thinh that it's dumb to cafe enough about who's rich and who's poor to risk lives.

I wonder what S.E. HInton will do about the greasers and the socs. I think he should make the two groups at least accept each other. I think that one time someone will get hurt badly in the book and then everyone will be guilty and sorry.

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